apiculture n. beekeeping
apiarist n. one who keeps bees
apiary n. a place where bees are kept
© Okehampton Branch of the Devon Beekeepers Association 2024 - Registered Charity 270675
Miscellaneous Information
Queen Marking Colours
Year ending with: 0 or 5 = Blue
1 or 6 = White
2 or 7 = Yellow
3 or 8 = Red
4 or 9 = Green
Example: A queen reared in 2014 would be marked green.
Note: Not all beekeepers use the system so do not assume the age of the queen from the colour without confirmation.
Brood Lifecycle (Days)
Queen: Egg 1 to 3 - Uncapped 4 to 8 - Capped 9 to 16
Worker: Egg 1 to 3 - Uncapped 4 to 8 - Capped 9 to 21
Drone: Egg 1 to 3 - Uncapped 4 to 9 - Capped 10 to 24
Sugar Syrup Feed Mix
Autumn Mix (Thick):
2 lb sugar to 1 pint water or 1 kg sugar to 630 ml water
Spring Mix (Thin):
2 lb sugar to 2 pint water or 1 kg sugar to 1260 ml water
Only use refined white sugar
To contact Okehampton Branch email: davidwolley@btinternet.com
Jim Sampson,
Portelet, Westleigh, Coldridge, EX17 6BL
Chairman (and Membership Secretary)
David Wolley,
14 Webb’s Orchard, Exeter Road, Nth Tawton, EX20 2FE
Tel: 01837 82352
Vice Chairman (and Education Officer)
Ruth Stainer-Smith,
Shackleton House, Willey Lane, Sticklepath,
EX20 2NG
Tel: 07789 238053
Branch Secretary & Press Officer
Will Pyne
Tawleigh, Oaktree Park, Sticklepath,
EX20 2NB
Tel: 01837 840733
Regional Bee Inspector
Megan Seymour
07775 119475
Seasonal Bee Inspector
(Position is currently unfilled)
Branch Treasurer
Pip Wilkins,
Ingleigh Green, Winkleigh,
EX19 6AT
Tel: 07766 209509
Show Secretary
Suzanne Maxwell,
Meadow Barn, South Zeal,
EX20 2JY
Tel: 01837 840138.
Sue Baxter,
Myrtle Cottage, Folley Gate, Okehampton,
EX20 3AD
Tel 01837 52920
Ray King
Tel: 01363 772007
Swarm Liaison Officer
Mark Tanner
Tel: 07710 651313
Website Editor
Tony Matthews Tel: 01647 24395